Hold Yourself To A Higher Standard | Owning Your Magic

Hey Beautiful,

In today’s episode, I’m sharing a conversation about holding yourself to a higher standard and truly owning your magic. So much can shift when we step into a deeper level of devotion, commitment, and faith with ourselves and the work we are here to contribute.

This is something that has been coming up with my clients and it’s also part of an ongoing conversation in my own growth — noticing where I’ve had to face the moments when I wasn’t fully owning my magic or my own power. 

For you, not holding yourself to a higher standard may look like not owning your rates.  Or not fully owning the magic of the work you do. Or not fully showing up consistently in your business. Or not speaking up about things that are important to you.

This is a big block for women. So let me ask you….

Have you ever had a moment where you are looking out at the world – maybe it’s the internet, your peers, or your competitors — and you are doubting yourself?

If we are being honest, we have ALL felt this way at some point in time. It’s human nature.

It’s that place of being, when you can’t quite grasp how amazing you are… and at the same time, you know in your heart that you are meant for something greater.

Join us for a conversation about holding yourself to a higher standard and truly owning your magic. This one is rich.

You can jump into the conversation here: Hold Yourself To A Higher Standard


Connect with me on Instagram and let me know how this landed. I love hearing from you.

Abundance is yours!





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