Ridiculously Simple Productivity Hack

Today is about PRODUCTIVITY.

Ever feel like making "to-do" lists just manifests more sh*t to DO?

This simple hack helps me get stuff done without feeling the dread or overwhelm of a never-ending list.

Try renaming your to-do lists to "To Manifest" or “Universal To-Do Lists”, and watch how the energy changes.

When I did this, my productivity skyrocketed! I went from doing the things to manifesting the resources and help I needed to create the things!

Just changing the energy up allows you to call in resources, creative inspiration, support, mentors, guidance, help, miracles and flow!

If you notice yourself wanting to keep it complicated, hard, or feeling like getting it all done should be a struggle, that is a money and abundance block. Your ego likes to complicate things, and may want to discount or undervalue things that seem “easy”.  

Don't be fooled. Allowing yourself to receive support is important and valuable. It's also tuning you to line up with more support in the future.

Are you willing to give it a go?

Abundance is yours.



P.S.Here are a few ways I can support you...

1) My Money Mastery Academy is the best way for you to work with me and hit your next income goal and transform your relationship with money. We bring it all together here with: coaching to clear money blocks and build a million-dollar mindset, systems to generate more cash while working waaaay fewer hours, and an empowering community of peers and role models who make you laugh, support you on tough days, and bring out the excellence in you. Get the details here.

2) Follow me on Social and let me know the money blocks and sabotages you want to breakthrough - Click Here

3) Join my free community on Facebook- Abundance Revolution and get the tools and inspiration you need to go to the next level of wealth: Click Here

4) Work with me on your money mindset to get over your money blocks in my 6-week Money Mastery Academy and mastermind community… check it out - Click Here.


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