Hello Gorgeous,
There are times where you will not be an energetic match for the desires of your heart...
No matter how *hard* you “try”... it will feel impossible to be, do, or have them.
This isn’t always because you aren’t YET a match for the desires of your heart...
Far too often, it is because you aren’t an energetic match to succeed or receive in the way you are going about manifesting.
If you are working yourself to the bone, far beyond your alignment...
If your energy is greatly imbalanced, in the masculine energy paradigm...
If your ego is running the show...
If your old triggers and wounds are navigating your choices...
The universe will cast an energetic protection field.
To stop you from succeeding.
Not because you’re not worthy of your desires...
But because allowing success to reach you this way would create evidence... that “this way” works...
You can watch the full video here: When Things Don't Manifest
Human beings can handle failure...
We can continue to try new things for a lifetime when our dream is big enough.
But this is where it breaks down.
Success for the right “thing” in the wrong “way”...
Once we believe we have “cracked the code” we tend to believe it is the only code.
We become certain that in order to continue to achieve the success we desire,
We must continue to do it the way it worked...
Rather than continuing to expand our horizons, find new ways to access success... new and better ways... to innovate...
In most cases, once something has worked it becomes THE way.
... whether it’s the *right* way or not.
It is possible that the only reason you haven’t successfully manifested your desires into your life, is because of the way you’re going about it.
God, The Universe, Source, Infinite Intelligence, Mother Nature, Life ...
Want you to succeed!!!
But not like that.
Not to the detriment of your family life,
Not at the expense of your well-being,
Not against your principles,
Not by sacrificing your marriage...
You’re an energetic match for success.
But not for the kind of success that costs everything...
When I truly “GOT” this...
I built a business that works...
For me, for you, for us.
One that makes me a better woman,
One that gives you something energetically sound to plug into,
One that leaves an example for what’s possible for all of us.
When I live an aligned life... success is the byproduct.
When I chase success at any cost... the price is far to often... misalignment.
Let success be the pot of gold after a long walk across the rainbow...
Rather than the buried treasure you must lose yourself to find.
The reason financial success and wealth get a bad name is because they haven’t customarily been created from alignment, gratitude, abundance or attraction.
But we get to change the narrative of the story...
The first step is reclaiming our power,
And diving into the greatest work of all...
The work of our lifetime...
Abundant blessings love.
P.S. Radical quantum shifts. Crazy transformations... don’t happen because we just do it when we feel like it. It happens because we are showing up doing our part. Because we are committed to making shifts and unlocking our potential. If you know support to make these shifts is what you need. I want you to get over yourself and do whatever it takes to say yes. There are three open spots for breakthrough sessions with me. Apply here: alexandrataketa.com/schedule
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