
Moving from Control to Commitment

Going with the flow is not my default.

I have a tendency to want to control things, and to want to do more if I allow my auto-pilot settings to take over. I'm way better than I used to be, but my default conditioning wants to work the plan, follow t...

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Leading Yourself Into The Next Level | Lessons on Leadership, Money, Entrepreneurship & Business

Hey Beautiful,

When you see me over here running my business and it looks easy. I want you to know it wasn't always like that, and it doesn't always feel like that.

I've learned that what is aligned for you, doesn't always come effortlessly.ย That ...

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Why You May Be Avoiding Investing In Yourself

Hey Gorgeous,

There's nothing else that could guarantee a better return on investment than investing in you.

If you aren't thinking about yourself this way, NOW is the time to start! The truth is, every time you invest in yourself it's going to hel...

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