Going with the flow is not my default.
I have a tendency to want to control things, and to want to do more if I allow my auto-pilot settings to take over. I'm way better than I used to be, but my default conditioning wants to work the plan, follow...
Hey Beautiful,
One of the most common abundance blocks I see so many brilliant sabotaging themselves with is an underlying belief, just under the surface that...
“It only counts if I work really hard.”
Is this you?
Inside my most...
The truth is, we resist change. We like homeostasis. We want things to be the same.
Some of the work that I am so blessed to do is taking women from the old stories and the old conditioning about money, abundance, and not feeling worthy... to...
I know many of you are struggling.
Some of you are losing jobs, worried about money and concerned for your own and...
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