Do you ask for the help and support you need? It’s a super valid question because most of you don’t!
I get it. When I first started my business, I thought I had to do it all alone. As a recovering perfectionist, I also wanted to control...
Be honest. At some point, we've all thought or said something like....
"I'll feel better once I make an income of..."
"I need X amount of money in the bank to feel secure."
"When my business makes X, then I'll be a success."
You can’t need it...
I want to let you in on a be successful in business you don’t necessarily have to be “the smartest” or “the best”. It’s not a popularity contest and there is more than enough room for everyone! But...
When I was little girl, we used to play imaginative games and pretend to be Charlie's Angels or super heroes like the Bionic Woman and Wonder Woman.
Although Lindsey Wagner and Farrah Fawcett were the bomb, all I ever wanted to be was...
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