“To be in business you must generate a profit; otherwise, it’s called volunteering.” - Susan W.Antal
Guess what?
Not only are you allowed to charge you’re worth, you're allowed to make a healthy profit.
A quick reminder:
I'm dropping in with cool tools and visualization practice to help you with money manifestation and embodying the energy of a wealthy woman.
Check it out.
1. Grab a notebook & some markers or pens.
2. Write down the following:
How do you want to...
When it comes to building wealth and making amazing money …
What’s true? And what’s false?
Let’s bust some myths.
If you want to run a company that generates 6, 7, or 8 figures per year, sure, it’s possible. But it...
"When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably." - Walt Disney
Let's get practical. One of the best tools for realizing your goals is your calendar.
Why? Because scheduling it in makes it real. It's a...
Writing down your goals is like plugging your destination into the GPS. It sets your directions, helps you map your next steps, and informs your choices.
Today, I want to share a tool to help you take your goals up to the next level. I want you to...
“Money expands in proportion to desire.” - Abraham Hicks
You are not limited in what you can earn and receive. More is always available. Tell me, do you believe this as truth?
I believe money just is...
Is consistent. Is...
As a woman—we need you in the game! This world needs financially empowered women more than ever.
It’s just a fact, the more money you make, the more leverage you have to create change in the world that’s important to you. Becoming...
“The person who doesn’t know where his next dollar is coming from usually doesn’t know where his last dollar went.” - Unknown
I hear it all the time, “I already know my money situation, Alexandra. I haven’t got...
When I first starting working on my “stuff” over 15 years ago, I knew I needed to work on my money issues if I ever wanted to move past broke. But deeper than that, I knew I needed to work on my willingness to accept,...
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