Hesitation is the invisible force that keeps us from our joy, prevents us from realizing what we are capable of achieving, and stops us from manifesting what we really want.
Most of the time, we know what we need to do, but hesitation keeps us...
The truth is, we resist change. We like homeostasis. We want things to be the same.
Some of the work that I am so blessed to do is taking women from the old stories and the old conditioning about money, abundance, and not feeling worthy... to...
As a woman—we need you in the game! This world needs financially empowered women more than ever.
It’s just a fact, the more money you make, the more leverage you have to create change in the world that’s important to you. Becoming...
“The person who doesn’t know where his next dollar is coming from usually doesn’t know where his last dollar went.” - Unknown
I hear it all the time, “I already know my money situation, Alexandra. I haven’t got...
Everyone’s version of success is different.
But many women I talk to, feel like life has lost a bit of the richness. They feel like they are working for diminishing returns, both in the financial sense and satisfaction with work (and...
When I was kid, I used to watch shows like Dynasty and Dallas on TV. Clearly times have changed, but movies and society are still repeating old story lines that very successful women are bitchy, manipulative, obsessed with high fashion, corrupt...
Becoming abundant and making money isn’t just about buying more expensive stuff. It’s about deciding you are worth the “good life” and that you deserve to thrive no matter what.
Maybe you are used to searching for the...
Most people think about money like this...
"Money will make me happy, feel more secure, or give me freedom."
You can fill in the blank with your own phrase.
But really, money is just energy. And so are you.
Money can't give you anything you...
Realizing dreams and desires is the magic part of life. Our dreams and goals drive our focus and thus create our reality. It's easy to get off track and lose focus of what you really want.
"It doesn't matter if your dream is to take an...
Hesitation is the invisible force that keeps us from our joy, prevents us from realizing what we are capable of achieving, and stops us from manifesting what we really want.
Most of the time, we know what we need to do, but hesitation keeps us...
Getting clear about what you desire is almost always one of the first steps in the creative process. Your clarity about your desire sets in motion the conscious and unconscious forces to make your dreams a reality. Clarity drives your attention,...
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