
Why We Resist Change & How To Let Go of Negative Thoughts

The truth is, we resist change. We like homeostasis. We want things to be the same.

Some of the work that I am so blessed to do is taking women from the old stories and the old conditioning about money, abundance, and not feeling worthy... to...

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Are You Doing This? (Write your Goals Down)

Writing your goals down is a completely different energy than thinking about them or dreaming about them.

It feels like a commitment.

I get it, setting goals can feel scary. As in, "What if I can't make it?" or "HOW is it going to all come...

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Go Get that Money

The universe loves an action taker!

Remember that income goal I asked you to's reminder is to focus and take action on the things that will drive revenue (make money)!

It's the good old 5% Rule. Five percent of your actions, drive...

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What’s your Money Goal?

At the beginning of the year, I asked all the women in my community this question, “How much money do you want to make this year?”

It's a simple question, but often incredibly difficult for women to answer.

Now is a great time to check...

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The Path of Least Resistance

Over the years, I’ve spent time leading sessions with women leaders all over the country - CEOs running multiple million-dollar businesses, women at the top of their organizations, and women just beginning the entrepreneurial path.

I always...

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Need Some Motivation?

To accomplish a big goal—whether it’s making millions of dollars, or getting in the best shape of your life, or writing a best-selling novel—first, you have to get motivated.

You have to tap into why you want this so badly. So...

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There Are Easier Ways

”I intentionally abandoned all the hard stuff early on because not only do I think it’s useless, I think it’s a distraction.” - Seth Godin

There are easier ways to make money.

I say this all the time when I find myself...

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Don’t Leave This to Chance

Do you ask for the help and support you need? It’s a super valid question because most of you don’t!

I get it. When I first started my business, I thought I had to do it all alone. As a recovering perfectionist, I also wanted to control...

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No Guru Necessary

One of my mentors once said something that was life-changing for me early on in my business. I was worried at the time that maybe there wasn’t space for me in my lane of expertise, maybe the experts had it covered, so why bother.


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The Fastest Route

Be honest. At some point, we've all thought or said something like....

"I'll feel better once I make an income of..."
"I need X amount of money in the bank to feel secure."
"When my business makes X, then I'll be a success."

You can’t need it...

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