
It's time to start thinking, acting and believing like...

Hey Beautiful,

It’s time to start thinking like… acting like… believing like… the next level version of yourself. This is where the magic happens.

When you are able to separate yourself from your current reality and your...

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It's that time of year...

Hey Gorgeous Melissa,

Every year, I host a free series on the topic of money and abundance in celebration of the Money Mastery Academy enrollment period.

During our time together I share from the heart, I give generously, and we all...

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The secret to learning how to receive

Hey Beautiful,

How good are you at receiving? The truth is you probably aren't very good at receiving. Most women aren't when they start working with me.

This was one of the biggest lessons I've had to learn in my own journey. Then keep...

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Money Love: Are you feeling it?

Hey Gorgeous,

Every year, I host a free series on the topic of money and abundance in celebration of the Money Mastery Academy enrollment period.

During our time together I share from the heart, I give generously, and we all receive the...

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What's Your Relationship With Money Like?

Hey Beautiful,

What if your relationship with money felt rich and delicious?

What if the fear and anxiety were replaced with calm, joy and even pleasure?

What if your attention wasn't on how much money you have...but how abundant you feel?


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Hold Yourself To A Higher Standard | Owning Your Magic

Hey Beautiful,

In today’s episode, I’m sharing a conversation about holding yourself to a higher standard and truly owning your magic. So much can shift when we step into a deeper level of devotion, commitment, and faith with ourselves...

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Your Next Level of Abundance Starts With This... | Choosing Ease

Hey Beautiful,

One of the most common abundance blocks I see so many brilliant sabotaging themselves with is an underlying belief, just under the surface that...

“It only counts if I work really hard.”

Is this you?

Inside my most...

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Feel Into Your Next Breakthrough


Hey Beautiful,

Every month, I gather with my the money queens inside of Money Mastery and we hop on an intimate group call to coach and mentor.

The October call came on the heels of me attending a powerful in person retreat and immersion...

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Hey Beautiful,

When I first started my business, I experienced some of the hardest times.

I felt like a victim to my own confusion and doubt.

I was stuck, no, worse, moving backward from where I had been in a very successful corporate career.


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Leading Yourself Into The Next Level | Lessons on Leadership, Money, Entrepreneurship & Business

Hey Beautiful,

When you see me over here running my business and it looks easy. I want you to know it wasn't always like that, and it doesn't always feel like that.

I've learned that what is aligned for you, doesn't always come...

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